Care Program

Are you an organization that supports the welfare of dogs, for example an animal shelter? If so, the following lines may be interesting for you. 

We at William Walker try to do the best we can for the general welfare of dogs. A donated meal for every product sold is certainly a start, but we asked ourselves what more can we do?

The result of this consideration is the William Walker Care Program. Our greatest strength is to develop great and special products for the common life with dogs and to make not only countless four-legged friends, but also many owners happy. At the same time, we are not a charitable institution and must necessarily use our money where it does the greatest service to the company and ensures its continued existence - so we can't just donate without limit. 

The William Walker Care Program starts right at the heart of these considerations and leverages our strength profitably for our program partners and for William Walker. We do this by entering into long-term partnerships with organizations such as animal shelters that work to benefit dogs. This means that we donate 10% of the total order value of each purchase directly to the partner that initiated it. We provide the partner with supporting sales materials and make it as easy as possible for them to successfully participate and continuously raise additional funds for their organization. 

If you are such a facility and would also like to become a William Walker Care Partner, you can sign up through this link to our Program Partner.